选完了传媒的课趴在床上看完后悔自己没有选political and media方向的optional course这才是传媒学生必看剧信息技术的飞速发展与媒介素养的缓慢更新带来了最大的恐怖主义信息就是武器算法操纵政治所见不是所得所恨并非该恨这种horror和criticalization结合得如此精准的剧确实相当thought- provoking不过英国人你们真的好爱BBC全剧中媒体公司清清白白除了设备容易被入侵外一人更比一人有道德操守和职业素养……以及人在伦敦看着剧中的伦敦有种奇妙的熟悉感
we def need more tv series like this, we def need more awareness like this, we can never talk enough about drug addiction problems cuz it's literally killing us every second, and it's so easy for those terribly rich ppl to get away with the issue they created at first & so hard for normal ppl to fight their life back, so fucked-up.