好剧第二季时间线后移本以为是要换掉一部分演员没想到和第一季完美承接编剧的节奏把握的太好不过对苏联一些刻板的刻画有些过度了 2022.07.04实在没忍住把最后一集连续看掉此起彼伏的警报声中太空中意味深长的握手海龙号物资的摧毁詹姆斯顿基地的枪战与堆芯融毁事故当太空登月背景的架空历史与冷战、政治、人性结合这部剧的魅力越来越足最后一集的升华从一触即发战争的紧张到太空握手、戈登崔西舍生救险的感动到最后两国总统的会免泯恩仇中间还夹杂着同性不伦关系养父母等复杂情感的思考和人文的感触最后一集凯莉的独白欧美大屁股XXXⅩOOOO是一个站在这个故事之外的感悟And if it's not okay, it's not the end.剧中不断提到的约翰列侬也许编剧对人生和世界的反思吧
Too much caricature, too little actual drama, and not an inkling of education. Among all the inconsistencies posing as the roundness of characters, only the flatness of characters like Amy shined through. And in all seriousness, they fucking dared to dub over Rahim's lecture about douching with Otis and Eric's chitchat.