Hooray Netflix!! Meredith here is not a bit unlike Dana Scully in early seasons. Jon Stewart does an awful job acting and good lord is he short or what?! Good thing Gillian is shorter... Anyways the story's kinda cheesy
15年时看只打了3星5年后再看麻豆免费觉得自己终于懂了这部剧的好而且这份好是如此珍贵难得03年时就已经有了这样一部女性群像剧不设框架地用平凡的setting说着朴素却又难以得到的道理什么样的人什么样的活法都可以活下去Being different or being normal is fine as long as you know what you want in your life. 人活着要羁绊也要自由