寂寞神经典配乐无可挑剔场面宏大特效几可乱真可就是因为太真了导致情感共鸣丧失了大半甜蜜惩罚除了丁满太可爱和拉飞齐作为灵长类的先天优势外其他“面瘫”动物的情绪变化只能通过卖力的配音和煽动性极强的配乐很变扭和诡异的展现哪怕开场几近复刻都还原不了原版木法沙对沙祖回礼时高贵、威严又温和友善的半点风度丁满cue Be Our Guest那段达斯米奇真的懂怎么鸡贼的戳原声粉的点现在的迪士尼真的不再是我从前粉的那个迪士尼了
It is a film that has strong link with haptic theory. Not only does Denis' film sustain a focus on human flesh, non-human textures also seem to pulsate and breath and bleed. Its horror does not come from fantasy, nor extremity, but rather by hinting towards breaching the boundary. It gestures towards something in-between, caught only in glimepse.